Sunset Vision is working with Roy Pender of West Fourth Landscape Architecture in Southport to help us design a sustainable garden at the turtle sculpture installation by the gazebo on Sunset Beach. This project goes well beyond beautification of the 35' x 45' area.
A main focus for the garden will be to identify and install plants native to our coast. Using the book, Seacoast Plants of the Carolinas by Dr. Paul E. Hosier, UNCW Professor Emeritus as a guide, Roy has compiled a report with suggested plants to use, as well as an initial planting plan.
As an education component, we will create signage to identify the plants and grasses in the hopes of encouraging a higher-level of interest in beautification of town and residential properties throughout Sunset Beach using naturally growing plants. This will give individual property owners an opportunity to contribute to the Town's stormwater plan. The Town wants to encourage the use of rain gardens as a stormwater measure, and we hope this project will help in the selection of plants for those gardens.
Sunset Vision members will handle the installation and maintenance of the plants and grasses. This is an exciting project, but not a short one. The project is a multi-phase one with several steps needed to maximize results and minimize efforts. Here is a brief outline:
1. Cut and remove ragged, tall dead stalks.
2. Control and remove all undesirable plants.
3. Install larger accent plants.
4. Obtain plants based on nursery availability.
5. Install irrigation system.
6. Do spot weeding.
7. Add additional plants where needed to fill the space.
As with any ornamental plant, each must be planted in the proper environment, installed with care, and properly maintained until the plants become established. No plant here on the dune and coastal area is low maintenance for the first years. However, shortly, these native plants will flourish and become the low maintenance and attractive landscape for which so many are searching.
We’ll keep you updated on the progress!